Want to produce an event in the Bunbury Geographe region but don’t know where to begin? Download this step-by-step guide.
BunGeo has teamed up with local event organiser Jo O’Dea from Jo O’Dea Arts & Event Management to produce an Event Planning and Promotion Guide to assist you through the process.
Visit Bunbury Geographe’s Marketing and Industry Liaison Coordinator Jo Durbridge said Jo O’Dea’s extensive experience in coordinating events is well recognised within the region.
“It made absolute sense to have her input and to produce a document that is relevant to those community members and businesses who want to stage an event in the region,“ said Ms Durbridge.
“Once you make the decision to hold an event it can be daunting working out what steps to take. This Event Planning and Promotion Guide demystifies the process and provides practical advice from logistics and event delivery to budget and promotion templates,” she said.
“It’s important we encourage events to be staged in Bunbury Geographe as they bring social, cultural and economic benefits to the region and an opportunity for visitors to experience the many other attractions that make this region so special,“ said Ms Durbridge.
The Event Planning and Promotion Guide was developed by the Bunbury Geographe Tourism Partnership (BGTP) with funding support from the South West Development Commission.