Bunbury Geographe Tourism Partnership and other key industry stakeholders are working together to roll out an unprecedented recovery campaign for the Bunbury Geographe.
The 4 stage campaign will reignite interest in BunGeo as a visitor destination and run from May 2020 to March 2021.
- Reignite interest in BunGeo as a visitor destination post-COVID.
- Direct visitors to visitbunburygeographe.com.au, Facebook and Instagram pages.
- Increased visitor numbers in order to help boost the local economy.
- Combine resources and activities to maximise reach and drive brand BunGeo and its sub-brands.
Stage 1: Find BunGeo, Again
Find BunGeo, Again, invites visitors to back to the region. “We’ve missed you so! It’s time to hit the road and head south as accommodation, cafes, restaurants, wineries and tours kick-start again in BunGeo. Uncover the road less travelled with fab walks, endless waterways, and outdoor adventures.“
The campaign message and stories will continually evolve as COVID restrictions change.
Aim: Encouraging families and friends to reconnect in BunGeo.
Tactics: Social Media advertising.
Brand Message(s):
- Find a place to reconnect
- Find moments to remember
- Find the ones you laugh with
- Find adventure together
- Find family and friends
BGTP is working with local LGAs, Visitor Centres and the Bunbury Geographe Chamber of Commerce and Industry to roll out activities BGTP and Sub-region initiatives, including social media, Google display, PR, media, advertising, video campaigns, ambassadors and more.
Below is an example of Find BunGeo, Again video of the BunGeo hinterland, filmed at Evedon Lakeside Retreat and Willow Bridge in the Ferguson Valley. Further videos will also be rolled out in Stage 1 for Bunbury and Harvey regions.
Bunbury – Sub Regional Campaign Example
Tactics: A range of tactics including Perth Billboard marketing from the 8 June (10 static sites on major Perth roads and the digital sign on the Kwinana Fwy Bull Creek), Perth Now Media Campaign, Social Media and a Google Display campaign.
Brand Message(s):
- Find our coastal city of creativity
- Find a city surrounded by waterways
- Find a city with space to breathe
- Find space and connection
- Find out how our locals live
- Find relaxed energy.

Alongside this, Tourism WA and Australia’s South West are also releasing campaigns which will help drive demand to travel to this region. Your business can gain exposure through leveraging Tourism Western Australia’s newly launched:
- Adventure Awaits intrastate campaign. #adventureawaits #thisisWA
- Wander Out Yonder intrastate campaign. #wanderoutyonder #thisisWA
Targeting residents from all over WA, the campaigns will inspire locals to take a different type of holiday, by exploring locations they’ve never been and embarking on experiences they’ve never had, with friendly operators who are ready to welcome them.
Australia’s South West (ASW) is working with Tourism WA to roll out the above campaigns in the region. ASW members can submit a deal for an appearance on a campaign landing page with traffic directed from Tourism WA’s marketing spend. Send through offers and updates to Marketing Coordinator Annabel at [email protected].
We will also be working with ASW on future sub-regional campaigns in Stages 2-4.
Stages 2-4
Please, stay tuned for further information on Stages 2-4 of the BunGeo Recovery Campaign.
In the meantime, get involved and help share Find BunGeo, Again, while simultaneously promoting your business.