Bunbury Geographe is recognised as a highly desirable visitor destination and our visitor economy contributes to the region’s sustainable future.
The Mission
Our mission is to deliver strategic tourism leadership across the Bunbury Geographe region guiding the development of the visitor experience, building industry capacity and growing customer awareness of the region’s tourism experience offering.
The Purpose
We exist to grow the visitor economy through leadership, promotion, and development. With our partners, we will build Bunbury Geographe’s image, drive visitation and boost the economy.
Our Core Values
• Inspire: Enhance the reputation of Bunbury Geographe as a visitor destination and develop an emotional connection with our audiences.
• Inform: Build awareness for the Bunbury Geographe offering.
• Activate: Increase product development and visitation to Bunbury Geographe.
• Unite: Expand the growing sense of unity within the Bunbury Geographe tourism sector.
Our Focus Areas
- Leadership: Provide leadership and coordination to the tourism industry creating a united and compelling voice.
- Industry Development: Empower the tourism industry and help to build capacity and capability.
- Product Development: Support product and infrastructure development and investment.
- Destination Positioning: Increase awareness, raise the appeal, and generate demand for the destination.